Celebrities wield immense influence over brand perception and consumer behavior. Engaging them can significantly boost a brand’s visibility and impact. However, with the substantial investment involved, brands and marketers need a strategic approach.

Enter The Lumenere Index (TLI). This independent attribute ranking report offers a systematic method for evaluating celebrity partnerships in marketing. It empowers brands, agencies, and marketers to make data-driven decisions, measuring and comparing the impact of celebrities on consumer perceptions across demographics and markets.

TLI is an invaluable tool in finding the perfect match between brand and celebrity, ensuring a successful and impactful collaboration that resonates with your target audience. Trust TLI to guide you towards the ideal partnership that elevates your brand to new heights.

TLI stands as the pinnacle of celebrity attribute ranking, featuring 30 brand-specific keyword attributes meticulously crafted to unveil your brand’s strength in the eyes of key consumers across demographics and markets.

This independent report provides marketers with a systematic framework to qualify celebrity use in marketing initiatives. Brands, agencies, and marketers can now quantitatively measure and compare consumer perceptions of celebrities in targeted demographics and markets.

TLI is the indispensable tool in forging the perfect match between brand and celebrity, ensuring a powerful and resonant partnership that propels your brand to unparalleled heights. Trust in TLI to guide you to the ideal celebrity collaboration for maximum impact and success.

TLI is the ideal solution for finding the perfect match between brand and celebrity. Utilizing a hybrid of research, surveys, and focus groups, TLI aims to unlock key performance indicators essential for any celebrity-driven marketing initiative.

The undeniable influence of celebrities on brand perception and purchasing power makes engaging them a highly rewarding process for any brand. However, with substantial investments at stake, brands and marketers rely on strategic market research tools like TLI to make data-driven decisions on which celebrity to engage.

Trust TLI to guide you towards the ideal celebrity partnership that not only amplifies brand perception but also drives tangible results and success. Unlock the power of celebrity influence with TLI and elevate your brand to new heights.

Our comprehensive Celebrity and Media market research services are designed to assess a celebrity’s impact on brand affinity and consumer purchase intent.

Through a direct and consultative approach, coupled with our extensive industry knowledge, we empower clients to navigate and succeed in today’s intricate media landscape.

Trust our expertise to uncover valuable insights that drive informed decisions and elevate your brand’s influence. Partner with us to harness the power of celebrity influence and achieve unparalleled success in the competitive market.

Our customized market research focuses on key brand-personality attributes, tested on pre-targeted demographics. With a maximum of 30 attributes for peak feedback efficiency, we deliver actionable insights.

TLI’s research reports are centered on the “match-up hypothesis,” challenging the belief that celebrity attractiveness alone drives brand appeal. Our studies reveal that credibility often surpasses attractiveness in campaigns, leading to increased recall and impact.

We manage Celebrity and Media market research, empowering clients to gauge a celebrity’s influence on brand affinity and consumer intent. Our direct, consultative approach and industry expertise ensure success in today’s complex media landscape.

Leverage our research to optimize your celebrity engagement strategy and unlock the maximum value of your marketing initiatives.


Protect your Investment

Get in touch to find out how TLI can help provide insights and added peace of mind to your upcoming campaign.

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